Comodo Internet Security - дальнейшее развитие Comodo Firewall Pro, интегрированный продукт, сочетающий в себе фаервол с простым интерфейсом, надёжно защищающий компьютеры и сети от нежелательных хакерских атак, антивирус и модуль проактивной защиты defence+, предупреждающий от несанкционированного изменения регистри и системных файлов. Обладает встроенной пополняемой базой о тысячах безопасных приложений, приятным интерфейсом, удобным режимом обучения.
Установка версии 4 требует предварительного удаления версии 3.
Что нового:
* What is new in COMODO Internet Security 4.0.x?
THANKS! COMODO would like to thank all of the BETA testers who voluntarily joined the beta testing program and provided the feedback about the product.
* NEW! Seamless livePCsupport Integration
This version has a built-in Live Support for getting instant help from the experts for any type of problems.
* NEW! New User Interface Theme
A new user interface theme has been introduced with this version.
* NEW! New Web Based Installer
Now, there is a single setup file which downloads and installs the required products according to operating system the computer has. The product installers are created with Microsoft Windows Installer for native installation/uninstallation support.
* NEW! Integrated Sandbox
Proactive Defense i.e. Defense+ now includes a built-in sandbox which combines file system/registry virtualization and least-privileged user account principle in order to combat with unknown malware.
* IMPROVED! Default Deny Protection
Defense+ now automatically sandboxes all unknown applications/executables until they are analyzed.
* IMPROVED! Significantly fewer number of popup alerts
Defense+, with the help of new sandboxing technologies, has a more powerful default security policy while having significantly fewer number of alerts compared to previous versions.
Also in this version, Defense+ and Firewall, by default, do not create automatic rules for already known safe applications.
* IMPROVED! Popup alerts layout
The new popup alerts now include additional options which allow the users to take COMODO Time Machine snapshots or set Windows system restore points, submit suspicious files for immediate analysis.
* IMPROVED! Antivirus Engine
Antivirus engine is improved for better detection and cleaning. The new engine now has disinfection support for the infected files.
A new command line virus scanner (cavscan.exe) has been introduced in order to address the need for scanning the computers in windows safe mode or scanning files transferred from MSN etc.
Разработчик : Comodo Inc.
Категория: Безопасность, подкатегория Файрволлы
OC: Windows Тип: Freeware язык интерфейса: многоязычный
Размер файла: 36,7 mb
Просмотров: 583 | Автор: sewastin | Коментариев: 0 | Категория: